November 11, 2015

The carousel never stop turning

Life is like carousel, it never stop turning. Whether you like it or not. You can't get off whenever you like.

It's been almost a year since I heard that my sister in law left my brother. And about a month ago they officially divorce. Kinda sucks but I don't blame her. I know it's my brother's fault. And I respect her decision. I don't hate her for stand up for herself.
But it doesn't mean I forgive her for leaving me behind. For putting so little faith on me. For trashing me away like a rubbish. For making me feel like useless little brat who knows nothing. No, I hate her for this. Because I deserve much much better than she did to me.
And I think I'm not gonna hate her even she got remarried. Not that I wishing for her happiness. Why would I wish for someone else's happiness when my life's miserable. But I don't wish for her unhappiness either. So yeah, I just wish that I never get anything to do with her again for good. Till I forgo the pain that she caused to me.

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